[7] Rannikko, J., Adhikari, H., Karme, A., Žliobaite, I. & Fortelius, M. The case of the grazing suids in the Plio-Pleistocene Turkana Basin: 3D dental surface morphology analyses in relation to diet on modern and fossil suid teeth. Journal of Morphology, 281(3), 348-364.
[6] Žliobaité, I., Tang, H., Saarinen, J., Fortelius, F., Rinne, J. & Rannikko, J. 2018. Dental ecometrics of tropical Africa: Linking vegetation types and communities of large plant-eating mammals. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 19, 127–147.
[5] Rannikko, J., Žliobaité, I. & Fortelius, M. 2017. Relative abundances and palaeoecology of four suid genera in the Turkana Basin, Kenya, during the late Miocene to Pleistocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
[4] Suhonen, J., Rannikko, J. & Sorvari, J. 2016. Species richness of cuckoo bumblebees is determined by the geographical range area of the host bumblebee. Insect Conservation and Diversity. 9, 6, 529–535.
[3] Karme*, A. J., Rannikko*, J. C., Kallonen, A. P., Clauss, M. & Fortelius, H. L. M. 2016. Mechanical modelling of tooth wear. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 13, 120.
[2] Fortelius, H. L. M., Žliobaité, I., Kaya, F., Bibi, F., Bobe, R., Leakey, L., Leakey, M., Patterson, D., Rannikko, J. C. & Werdelin, L. 2016. An ecometric analysis of the fossil mammal record of the Turkana Basin. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Biological Sciences. 371, 1698–1710.
[1] Suhonen, J., Rannikko, J. & Sorvari, J. 2015. The rarity of host species affects the co-extinction risk in socially parasitic bumblebee Bombus (Psithyrus) species. Annales Zoologici Fennici. 52, 4, s. 236–242.
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Tiedekulma: Fresh from Campus
"Hampaiden muodot kertovat muinaisten sikojen elämästä" | Janina Rannikko