18–21 May 2018
3rd International Meeting of Early–stage Researchers in Palaeontology
▪ Krasiejow, Poland
▪ Oral presentation: Peculiar case of the Plio-Pleistocene grazing suids of eastern Africa: proving the shift from omnivory to grazing with dental topography analyses of modern and fossil suids
14–15 Mar 2018
4th Colloquium of Finnish Geosciences
▪ Turku, Finland
▪ Poster presentation: Were Plio-Pleistocene pigs of Turkana Basin specialized for grazing? Surface topography analyses of third molars of fossil and modern suids
30 Jul – 3 Aug 2017
East African Association of Palaeoanthropology and Palaeontology sixth biennial conference
▪ Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
▪ Poster presentation: Relative abundances of four suid genera in PlioPleistocene Turkana Basin
13–16 Apr 2016
1st International Meeting of Early–stage Researchers in Palaeontology
▪ Alpuente, Spain
▪ Oral presentation: Turnover in dominant suid lineages in Turkana Basin area 2 Ma ago
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BitFest, HAMK: Being an ecosystem builder and an individual operator